In My Nature reforestation

Posts Tagged: reforestation

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Pour une filière charbon pérenne dans le Mahafaly

Saviez-vous qu’entre 1973 et 2013, le Paysage Mahafaly a perdu 40% de sa couverture forestière ? Le Paysage Mahafaly, c’est entre autres choses la plus grande étendue de forêt épineuse de Madagascar. Il contient le pourcentage le plus élevé d’espèces végétales endémiques du pays, et 95% de ces espèces ne se trouvent nulle part ailleurs sur […]

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Madagascar Climate Leader : Hermann Fanomezantsoa

Madagascar’s Seedlings Hermann Fanomezantsoa realized he had a role to play to protect the environment at a very young age. His passion for conservation began when he was just 14. Even then I saw that the rainfall patterns were disrupted. People were destroying the forest without worrying about the consequences, destroyed forests were not replaced, […]

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Madagascar Climate Leader : Abdallah

Remaking the Mangroves The last few years have not been kind to Abdallah. He lives in Ankazomborona, a small village near Ambilobe, and part of WWF’s Northern Mozambique Channel landscape, where the results from his trade, fishing, have been declining in recent years. A Family Tradition He learned to fish from his father. And his […]

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The Sport of Conservation

For months a single question has dominated conversation among the young football players of the Kivalo district in Madagascar. “When will the football equipment arrive?” Kivalo is at the heart of the Manambolo-Tsiribihina region, one of WWF’s priority areas in Western Madagascar. Recently, a group of representatives from WWF Sweden and the Swedish Postcode Lottery […]

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